
Sign up for digital banking
Download the Android™ app
Download the iPhone® app

Reset your digital banking password
Retrieve your digital banking username
Searching checking account transactions
Add an account alert
Set up travel notifications
Enable location services
Change a PIN
Lock/Unlock a card
Add card to Apple WalletTM
Add your card to PayPal Wallet

Enroll in Zelle®
Send money with Zelle®
Request money with Zelle®
Split the bill with Zelle®
Deposit a check
Make an internal transfer

Introduction to Insights
Using Personalized Insights

Enrolling in paperless statements
Viewing your paperless statements

Exploring products and offers
Applying for a checking account

Enroll in digital banking

Add a biller
Pay a bill

Add a mobile number

Introduction to the ATM
Deposit cash
Get cash
Change your card PIN
Download our app today